登记入住 YOTEL店的宾客需年满 18 岁。所有 18 岁以下儿童入住必须有成人陪同。
Is there late check-out?
Is there late check-out?
Standard check-out time is 11am. Too early? Late check-out is available, please enquire with our Mission Control crew on arrival (subject to availability).
The first hour up until 12pm is complimentary. Any check-out after 12pm will be subject to a charge of £15 / €15 per hour, up until 3pm.
Is there early check-in?
Is there early check-in?
Standard check-in time is 3pm. Too late? Early check-in is available but is subject to availability upon arrival. When you arrive at the hotel, if there is availability, early check-in between 1 – 3pm is free. Any early check-in before 1pm will be subjected to a flat fee of £20 / €20. To book and/or pay for early check-in please speak with our Mission Control crew.
Does YOTEL have an app?
Does YOTEL have an app?
YOTEL does not have an app yet. Stay tuned!
在 YOTEL 爱丁堡店,我可以在哪里报失丢失或被盗的物品?
在 YOTEL 爱丁堡店,我可以在哪里报失丢失或被盗的物品?
如果您有物品丢失或遗忘,请告知 Mission Control(智能礼宾前台)。
在 YOTEL,我们希望您能够充分享受您的时间。我们使用自助入住和退房办理服务系统替代了传统前台,无需排队,为您带来无缝入住体验。您可以在每一天的任何时候使用它们,Mission Control(智能礼宾前台)的礼宾服务人员也可随时为您提供任何您可能需要的帮助。我们的标准入住时间是从下午 3 点开始,退房时间是上午 11 点之前。 如果您想要出去游玩,我们很乐意为您寄存行李。
Need a late check-out
We guarantee your check-in time by 3pm on the day. Arriving before check-in time? Not a problem, we can hold on to your luggage for free. Check-out is at 11am. Too early? Pay £10 per hour to extend. After your first hour purchased, we’ll even throw in a free hour on top.
What is the legal entity?
What is the legal entity?
Erskine House Opco Limited
YOTEL 酒店可寄存行李吗?
YOTEL 酒店可寄存行李吗?
YOTEL Edinburgh,
68-73 Queen Street,
Edinburgh, EH2 4NA
What is the legal entity of YOTEL HQ?
What is the legal entity of YOTEL HQ?
Yotel Limited
我们的酒店提供超高速无线网络,宾客使用无线网络即被视为同意可接受使用政策 (AUP)。YOTEL 为了遵循法律的任何变化或在任何需要的时候可能会修改此政策。YOTEL 无线网络只能用于合法目的,并符合所有有效的现行和未来法规。宾客同意不得使用无线网络发送或接收任何违反法律或法规;或具有诽谤性、攻击性、辱骂性、不雅、淫秽;或违反保密、隐私、商业秘密;或违反任何第三方知识产权(包括版权);或违反任何其他权益的资料或数据。YOTEL 始终遵循当地法律法规。任何违反系统或网络安全的行为都是被禁止的,触犯的宾客可能会承担地方当局的刑事和民事责任。我们不会泄露您的个人信息。
YOTEL 增值税税号
YOTEL 增值税税号
YOTEL 英国增值税税号为 GB108-2725-29。
YOTEL 全球分销系统代码
YOTEL 全球分销系统代码
YOTEL 全球分销系统代码为“YL”。
我们采取了一些措施,让您尽可能安全地入住 YOTEL 酒店:Naturalmat 为我们提供采用天然纤维制成的有机床垫,低致敏性/抗菌填充物采用椰壳纤维、羊羔毛和乳胶制成。我们的所有枕头和羽绒被都采用低致敏性纤维。所有清洁产品都是环保、安全和无毒的。地毯使用“真正的干细胞”提取物清洗机清洁,能够消除及杀死各种细菌和病菌。 酒店各处使用的油漆都是“低挥发性有机化合物”的,为宾客和员工改善酒店整体空气质量。我们很自豪获得 LEED(能源与环境设计先锋)认证。
我们遵循严格的禁烟政策,酒店内任何地方都不允许吸烟。包括所有的客房和公共区域。任何人违反我们的禁烟政策,将面临至少 500 美元的罚款。
*This can be higher at specific hotels
Can I pay with cash at YOTEL?
Can I pay with cash at YOTEL?
Some of our YOTELs and YOTELAIRs are completely cashless:
- YOTEL Amsterdam
- YOTEL Edinburgh
- YOTEL Geneva Lake
- YOTEL Glasgow
- YOTEL London
- YOTEL Manchester Deansgate
- YOTEL Miami
- YOTEL New York
- YOTEL San Francisco
- YOTEL Porto (going cashless soon)
- YOTELAIR Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
- YOTELAIR London Gatwick Airport
- YOTELAIR Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport
- YOTELPAD Park City
Cash payments can still be used at the remainder of our hotels
Can I bring my pet with me?
Can I bring my pet with me?
YOTEL has a no pet policy, guide and service dogs are of course allowed, you must let us know if you intend to bring your dog with you in advance of your arrival.
Please also check carefully our general terms and conditions for detailed information on our policies for the information you’ll need to know before or during your stay.